From satchel bags and crossbodies to the classic totes or the beautiful clutches, find the best luxury leather bags every woman should have in their closet. Whether you want to flaunt the 90’s style or add something contemporary to your fashion statement, luxury leather goods for women can be your best friend.

It is often said, “Behind every successful woman is a fabulous handbag.” And when it’s leather, it further adds to your personality and style statement. Luxury leather goods are a woman’s best friend – an integral element that defines their taste, personality, and classiness. Whatever be their fashion quotient, you will definitely find at least one premier leather bag in their closet.

Discussed here are the top 5 picks you must have in your wardrobe.

1. An Exquisite Evening Clutch to Complement Any Occasion

Whether you are heading off to a party with friends or on a romantic date with your beloved, a fashionable leather clutch can keep the night going on and on. Pick one that suits every type of evening dress. You can choose to have one in a solid color or a printed design – whatever suits your style. Eye-catchy leather prints are also winning the trend in handmade leather goods today.

2. The Cute Cross-Bodies

So, you are a fashionista who loves to flaunt arm candy pieces. But, at the same time, you cannot compromise your comfort level. Then a cross-body leather sling bag can be your best buddy. It gives you complete freedom to move around while accentuating your fashion statement.

3. A Sassy Shoulder Bag to Flaunt Around

Timeless, beautiful, and value for money – leather shoulder bags are a must-have in your closet. Available in a wide range of colors, sizes, and designs, these never seem to go out of style. From travel totes to handmade leather shoulder bags, you will never regret these timeless investments. Pick something uniquely-shaped and colorful if you want to flaunt a chic and modern style.

4. The Dramatic Duffle Bags for a Unique Style Statement

If you travel frequently, whether, for office or pleasure, you need a bag that matches your weekender needs and style statement. And nothing can beat the style and functionality of a leather duffle bag. Available in different sizes, colors, and prints, duffle bags are perfect for short weekend getaways, night stay with friends, or even hitting the gym.

These have enough space to fit your belongings for at least two days, and even look extremely stylish and classy.


Premium leather bags are a woman’s best friend. If you are a fashionista, you’d love to have all these four types of luxury leather goods in your wardrobe. To flaunt an eye-catchy ensemble, pick meticulously curated handmade leather goods that add to your overall style.